It can be hard to shop for the best home exercise equipment for weight loss today because it’s extremely varied. It ranges from dumbbells to complex stationary bikes run by computers with a multitude of advanced settings. However, all these weight loss machines have one thing in common, they are effective when used right. The variety allows everyone to build a home gym that will help them tone and shape up their bodies. Regardless of what your budget is, you can get home workout equipment and burn fat at a rapid pace.
From experience, I advise going for variety. This means you should have a few machines and tools to make your weight loss workouts as diverse as possible. This will increase the efficiency of your workouts overall and help with staying motivated. This is also the kind of thing you need in order to lose weight fast. If your goal is 10kg a month, you should invest in the best cardio machine for weight loss first. And be sure to check out my additional tips on how to lose 10kg in one month.
Best Home Exercise Equipment for Weight Loss: 10 Machines and Tools to Shape You Up

A treadmill is the best exercise machine for weight loss and the most popular one. It might not offer the same benefits of jogging outdoors, but it’s an extremely effective piece of equipment for burning calories fast. Depending on the settings you choose (speed and incline) as well as type and duration of your training, you can burn up to 1,000 calories in a single session.
Everyone can use a treadmill, even complete beginners and people who are recovering from an injury or surgery. Even walking on it with a bit of an incline will help you work toward weight loss.
Another reason why a treadmill is at the top of the best home exercise equipment for weight loss list is its availability. There is a great variety of these machines available and their prices range from under $300 to $10,000+. The best thing is that you don’t need to have the most expensive model because even the most basic machine can give you an effective workout.

Ellipticals are more expensive than treadmills because you need to have a good quality product if you are looking for the best weight loss machine in this category. Such a device will cost you about $1,000-2,000. These are the more durable pieces. You need a durable elliptical because the machine will get a lot of wear and tear.
An elliptical is rather fun to use and it makes you exercise different muscle groups. Check out these different elliptical workouts so you can put this device to good use. This is a great piece of equipment for both weight loss and toning.
An elliptical is the best home exercise equipment for weight loss if you need low-impact training. However, if you want this machine to produce results fast, you need to set the resistance level at no less than 10.
Stair mill

You know how going up the stairs instead of using the elevator is good for your health? It’s also extremely good for your figure. That’s why a stair mill is near the top of the best home exercise equipment for weight loss list. It’s a device that shapes and tones your booty and legs, helping you create a stunning look.
When using a stair mill, you should stick to interval training. This means working out in short intense bursts with some slow wind-downs. One could argue that this device is the best cardio machine for weight loss. It’s definitely most effective for rapid fat burning. However, this kind of exercise isn’t knee-friendly. Therefore, if you have any issues with joints or past trauma, you should avoid this piece of equipment.
Stationary bike

A stationary bike is among the best home exercise equipment for weight loss due to its efficiency and availability. Like treadmills, these devices are affordable and versatile. They also help you burn hundreds of calories and offer low-impact training.
But bear in mind that despite this being one of the best cardio exercise machines, the devices have very uncomfortable seats. Therefore, you should add some extra padding or suffer awkward bruises after an intense workout.
Today you can also find recumbent bikes, which are the more ‘comfy’ type of weight loss equipment. These machines can be quite fancy with multiple built-in training programs. However, as this bike has most of your body seated and relaxed comfortably, the efficiency of this device for fat burning is small. It can help tone your legs but not much beyond that.
Rowing machine

A rowing machine is the best home exercise equipment for weight loss to use if you want to tone your upper body as well. It’s definitely one of the best cardio machines for home workouts. But using it is very difficult, so it’s not a good choice for a complete fitness beginner.
It’s also imperative to learn how to use a rowing machine from a professional. Poor technique reduces the effect of your training and can cause an injury. YouTube videos won’t be any help in this. Therefore, you should visit a gym with this device to get a personal training session and learn how to use it right.
Rowing machines are among the most affordable types of weight loss equipment. They are also rather versatile in design, so you should get professional advice when choosing which will fit your body best.
Stepper machine

A stepper machine is a much cheaper and simpler variation of a stair mill. It’s a rather simple device that will help you burn fat and tone your legs. If you are looking for the best home exercise equipment for weight loss, which is affordable and doesn’t take up much space, this is it. You can have a reasonably intense cardio workout using a stepper.
You can take the device with you when traveling and it’s safe for people with joint problems. Be sure to choose a stepper with a no-skid surface. The risk of falling from it otherwise will be rather high.

Cheap, simple and perfect for strength training and boosting the efficiency of your regular exercises. Dumbbells are the best home exercise equipment for weight loss if you are looking for basics. In fact, you should be working out with dumbbells even if you aren’t trying to lose weight. They will help keep your arms, abs, and pectorals toned and your heart healthy.
Dumbbells are an extremely versatile piece of fitness equipment. You can use them to enhance a variety of workouts. Be sure to start with small weight so you don’t injure yourself. Consider buying adjustable dumbbells as it will be easier to increase the weight when you need to level up.
Ab roller wheel

According to studies, belly fat is harder to lose and it’s more dangerous to your health. That’s why your set of the best home exercise equipment for weight loss must include an ab roller wheel. This simple device will help you work on this particular area and burn visceral fat faster.
An ab roller wheel isn’t a complex weight loss machine. It’s literally a wheel with handles, which you can use for some extremely intense workouts. When buying this home fitness device, you need to consider its strength and grip. You’ll put all your weight onto it, so it has to be sturdy and with a grip that won’t slip when you start sweating during a workout.
Stability ball

You might be surprised that a big bouncy ball is listed with the best home exercise equipment for weight loss. However, a stability ball is one of the most effective fitness aids you can find today. You can use it in multiple exercises to shape and tone your lower body and core muscles.
Working out with a stability ball is also great fun. If you are trying to get your family, especially kids, to join your fat burning workouts, your home gym needs a set of these balls of appropriate sizes. Be sure to check the weight the ball can take when shopping for one.
Exercise bench

An exercise bench is an extremely versatile piece of weight loss equipment you should have in your home gym. In fact, consider making it your first purchase as it can help you master over 50 exercises for different muscle groups.
There are many types of fitness benches available, so choose whichever works best for the type of workouts you want to focus on. You should definitely use it for some step exercises if you don’t have a stepper or a stair mill. This simple piece of weight loss equipment can help you perform a very effective cardio workout.
Why You Should Be Using the Best Home Exercise Equipment for Weight Loss
Personally for me, the main reason to stock up on home gym equipment is that I feel more comfortable working out at home. Other advantages of setting up your own gym include:
- You can exercise anytime and you don’t need to waste any time getting to and from an actual gym.
- You save a lot of money on gym membership and commute costs.
- Your whole family can exercise together comfortably and do this whenever you get a free moment.
- You set your own rules and don’t have to feel self-conscious because there’s no one there to judge you.
- You can work out with your favorite music or TV at top volume.
- You can ensure all your best home exercise equipment for weight loss is 100% clean and sanitized.
- You can configure your private gym however you like and fill it with any mix of equipment to make it perfect for you.
If you are worried that working out on less fancy weight loss equipment will be less efficient, you are wrong. You don’t need to use a $10,000 cardio machine for weight loss in order to get all the physical benefits of an aerobic workout.
According to a study published in the Journal of Obesity, it’s intensity and intervals that determine the fat-burning efficiency of a workout. Therefore, the machine you use matters little in the long run. There are also studies, which prove that any type of aerobic and resistance training can be productive for weight loss. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you use a treadmill and dumbbells at home or some fancier expensive weight loss equipment in a professional gym.
I also ask you not to forget that success of a weight loss program can’t be based on exercise alone. You will also need to stick to a special diet to achieve results, like my diet plan to lose 10kg in a month. Cutting your calories and then burning off the excess with exercise is the ultimate weight loss formula.
Choosing the Best Weight Loss Equipment: Final thoughts
When shopping for the best home exercise equipment for weight loss you should focus on its functionality and quality. If your budget is limited, start with something small, like dumbbells and an ab roller wheel. All fitness equipment should be of high quality because if it breaks while you are using it, you risk an injury.
You should also stick to the type of weight loss machines you like. This way, it will be easier to keep your motivation levels high.
Do you use any exercise machines at home? What is your favorite type? Can you offer something to add to my list?
Please, share your answers and thoughts in the comments below!
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