So you’ve been in the fitness game for a good few years now. You spent a long time developing your own athleticism and aptitude, and you’d class yourself as a fit and talented sportsperson. You’ve also worked hard on the academic side. Years of learning, studying and practice resulted in a heap of qualifications backing […]
Smile, Be Nice and Bring in the Business
When you’re operating on the margins it can be really important to hold on to those regular, reliable customers that you have. What’s better still is when those faithful few put the word out to their families and friends and you get spin-off business that you weren’t really expecting and hadn’t dared to budget for.
A Quick Guide to Keeping Customers Happy
Keeping your customers happy isn’t rocket science, so if your customers aren’t currently shouting from the rooftops about how much they love your business, you could probably do with making a few changes to how you operate. This quick guide will give you some easy pointers on what you can do to keep your customers […]
How to Improve CSR in Your Business
Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is something that all businesses, no matter how big or small, should be aware of. It refers to when companies conduct their business in an ethical way, so, for example, it means that they consider their social, economic, and environmental impact and human rights.
Exciting Business Ideas in Health and Wellness
The health and wellness industry has grown remarkably over the past few years, showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. Whether you have experience in this industry or just a mere interest, there are plenty of ways to start a business of your own.
How Do You Know You’re Hiring the Right People?
In any business, one of the major things that you are going to need to master is that of hiring people. You are always going to need employees to help your business operate and ultimately grow, and so you want to make sure that you find the right kind of people to do so.
What Should You Be Considering When Starting a Marketing Plan?
Most entrepreneurs will have a strong focus on creating a solid business plan and know it inside out, but they often forget about the importance of a good marketing plan, but a marketing plan is just as, if not more important for a business to succeed. A marketing plan is more than thinking about how […]
Don’t Give Your Hard-Earned to the Loan Sharks When Seeking Business Finance
If you’re lucky you’ll be running one of those businesses where all you’re going to need to get started will be a ballpoint, a pad of paper and your packed lunch.
What Makes a Difference in Success?
When you first start a business, you’re often really excited about the business idea itself. So, you focus on getting it up and running. But, when it comes to making things work, one of the most important things of all is that you need to find out what will bring you success. These three things […]
Feeding a Family and Organizing a Small Business with Just the One Pair of Hands
Some of my friends seem to think that because I’m a modern woman I’m free to work every waking hour, without any commitments to my family or around the home.