Building a successful business is hard work. So, when you do achieve success, it’s imperative that you take every possible step to protect it. Otherwise, your business dreams could soon turn into a nightmare.
Put the Boom Back in Your Lead Generation
Any business is only as good as it’s customer base, so it’s natural that a lot of your efforts when you first start up your own business are spent sweating away at your contacts list, trying to build a customer base.
Busy Business Mom? Don’t Forget the Important Things in Life
Nowadays you gain more recognition and respect for being a busy, working mom who owns their own business. Society has shifted so much over the years that is has become the norm to juggle a career, kids, a partner and your family.
A Quick Guide to Injuries, Time off Work and Returning to Work
If you have had an accident at work, or perhaps elsewhere, then it can lead to injuries that can mean that you need to take time off work. When this kind of thing happens, if you are injured, then as an employee, you could be adding stress and worry to your injury as you might […]
Behind Every Successful Woman (There’s a Whole Bunch of Resentment)
Well the figures are out and we can see for ourselves. Four our of every ten businesses in the United States are female-owned. For bigger companies it’s two out of ten. Is that a “Whoopie” I hear, or the resigned strains of groaning?
Being a Woman Who Is in Business
Being a woman who is in business is not the same thing as being a businesswoman. Not strictly speaking. The difference is in where the emphasis lies. In business I am driven by my abilities and by my determination. I compete and I take decisions by which I stand or fall.
Work on Improving Business Sales with These Stunning Hints
There are so many great ideas you need to keep in mind when it comes to improving the business in the future. You have to understand what it takes to make things better and work on improving the sales you make as a business. This is important for the future, and you need to come […]
Organizing Your Home Work Life When To-Do Lists Don’t Do It Anymore
Working from home is a double-edged sword. When you head out to the office each day, it’s hard to imagine anything better than stumbling out of bed and getting going. In reality, though, home working is tough.
Startup Secrets That Will Provide an Edge in Modern Business
Having your Eureka moment where a business idea pops into your head is a truly exciting time in life. However, running a startup is very hard work, which is why you need to do all that you can to gain the edge.
11 Things That Will Take Your Business Productivity Through the Roof
Can you imagine a world where absolutely everything gets done? Where your business deadlines are met every time, and your staff are not only productive, but happy? It’s not as far fetched as it might seem. There are lots of things you can likely do to make your business more productive, and below, we’re going […]