Need some extra cash in a hurry? Most people turn to loans, credit cards and pawnbrokers as a means of borrowing money in an emergency. Whilst these can be convenient ways of accessing cash you wouldn’t otherwise have, there are drawbacks to taking out loans.
Personal Finance
Important Financial Moves You Need to Make Before You Turn 40
We all go through life making different financial decisions at various points in our lives. Some of us save for college from a young age, some of us make the decision to buy a fancy new car when we turn 21, and so on. But, there are a few financial moves that everyone needs to […]
Time to Get Smart with Your Money!
Whether you like it or not, money is pretty much always going to be a significant force in your life. After all, the best things in life might be free, but a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food in your belly certainly aren’t!
How to Prevent the Taxman Taking All Your Profits
If you are working hard all year, you might think that it is unfair that you have to pay all the tax without being given the chance to reinvest your profits and grow your business.
Top 5 Tips on How to Build Up a Personal Rainy Day Fund Fast
Having a personal rainy day find is a necessity for everyone as you never know when an emergency strikes. You can use an emergency fund calculator to determine how much money you should save up. However, the general ‘rule of thumb’ is to have enough to cover your living expenses for 3-6 months. And the […]
Minimize Risks When Using Prepaid Cards to Rebuild Credit
Using prepaid cards to rebuild credit is a good strategy that can help you get back on your feet after some financial trouble. It’s also a good method for building credit in the first place. Therefore, young people who are just starting their path to financial independence should consider it as well. However, not all […]
Your Quick Guide to Selling Gold Coins and Jewellery
Cash-for-gold has become a big business. Record-high gold prices in the 2000s led to a surge in businesses happy to hand over cash in exchange for your gold jewellery and gold watches. But they aren’t necessarily the best place to sell your gold, especially if you want a good price.
3 Simple Ways to Reduce Spending on Baby Products
Finding effective ways to reduce spending on baby stuff is essential considering the average cost of childcare these days. For example, in the US, parents can expect to spend well over $10,000 in the first year of their baby’s life, and in the UK it’s about £11,500. I fully agree that your kids deserve the […]
5 Smart Financial Decisions Everyone Should Make
Making smart financial decisions is a must if you want to have faith that your future is going to be full of wealth and joy. Money doesn’t bring happiness, but it can certainly help you to live a life of your dreams and support your goals. With this in mind, below we have 5 smart […]
3 Online Shopping Tips to Protect Your Finances
Once the last crumb of pumpkin pie disappears from your plate, you have a job to do this Thanksgiving and it doesn’t involve the dishes. Those can wait; the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, on the other hand, have a short expiry. If you expect to take advantage of these events, you’ll need to […]