Women have a huge problem when it comes to identifying their own flaws and focusing on them. Most women are champions for the sisterhood though and will encourage, promote and back any other women in their tribe, friendship circle or even strangers. Building other women up to fulfill their dreams, start their businesses and generally feeling empowered. But when it comes to themselves, they can fall at the first hurdle and be completely self-critical of all matters of themselves, especially when it comes to their bodies and their mind. While it’s easier said than done, it’s so important to ensure that we embrace every part of our being. This not only will take huge pressures away when it comes to body confidence but it can even go a long way to increasing self-esteem. Something we could all do with a boost in every now and again, wouldn’t you agree?
Starting a business, looking after a family, being a single lady, or generally taking care of anyone and everyone, whatever your story is we should all have the ability to love who we are and embrace what is unique. After all, that is what makes us special. With that in mind, here are some of the most common critiques women have on their bodies and minds, and hopefully offer you an alternative way of looking or resolving them once and for all.
Failure and Why It Stops Us in Our Tracks
One of the biggest issues we can have surrounding our mental mindset and confidence is the fear of failure. So much surrounds this, and often it can be the only reason stopping you from starting that business or working for yourself. It has to stop. Failure is not something to fear, in fact, it can be a very valuable lesson. People will fail at things, it is a given. You may not succeed with your first try, but that doesn’t mean that you have completely failed ona dream you have. You just have insight into what works and what could be changed to make the next attempt work out for you. Failure is a negative mindset, and one thing that just needs to be changed. It is always worth trying to questions your mindset especially when it comes to negative feelings. Counter your thoughts looking for evidence. Often it is just anxiety and negativity breeding and making things seem much worse than they actually are.
Stretch Marks and the Tummy Area
One of the biggest issues people have with their bodies are either stretch marks that have developed over time, through pregnancy or weight loss or gain, and of course the tummy area in general. But, our bodies can change as each year passes, and our tolerance to food and gaining weight can also fluctuate over the years. Our metabolism can change, and sometimes we need to make alternative lifestyle choices to suit the changes afoot. But that being said, these things are not something to be ashamed about. Having the confidence to feel better in your own skin can be achieved through a nutritionally balanced diet, some exercise, and learning to love who you are. After all, things like stretch marks will often share a story, such as pregnancy, or a weight loss. Celebrate who you are.
The Breast Area
Over time our breasts can change, and again this can be down to circumstances such as weight loss or breastfeeding, but as we get older and go through things like menopause, this can also have an effect on the breast area. While it shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of you don’t have to live with it and there are things you can do to improve the situation. You could look into permanent changes and take more control over you body. Weighing up the differences between breast lift vs breast augmentation, for example. Or maybe thinking about lifestyle changes such as taking action such as exercise. Again, being proactive with an issue that causes you mental pain can go a long way to feeling better about it.
Our Skin Condition
Finally, our skin can be a real cause for concern, and adult acne amongst women is far more common than it used to be. This might be because of a change in diet or an increase in things like sugar. It could also mean you are not keeping yourself hydrated enough. Adult acne is far more common than we realise though, and more people are seeking out help and advice. Whether that is another home remedy that you try or seeking medical help through your local doctor. However, talking about it to friends may help you realise that more people struggle with it than you know.
Let’s hope highlighting some of these things makes you feel much better in yourself.
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