Some of my friends seem to think that because I’m a modern woman I’m free to work every waking hour, without any commitments to my family or around the home.

Are They Really Serious?
It might be a bit of an old cliche, but it is certainly true to say that with rights come responsibilities. Equality isn’t about evading the chores, but sharing them. And the thing that really hacks me off is that sharing the work with someone else on an equal footing doesn’t lessen the work, it just seems to mean there is always more work to be done by everyone.
This was what made me decide to set up my own business and finance consultancy. It means I can determine my own hours and organize my work life and my family life in such a way that I hope to make a decent fist of doing both.
Well That’s the Theory Anyway
The practice is that there are constantly calls upon my time, with every imminent task apparently being more urgent or more pressing than everything else I’m supposed to be doing at the exact same moment. Sometimes it’s like people think I’ve got more pairs of hands than a Rolex factory.
This is where the art of time management comes in. There are quite simply occasions when there are competing demands which have to be weighed up against one another and a decision has to be made. If I can’t do two jobs at once, then one of them will have to take its rightful place in the line. It really is that simple.
Time management is the art of prioritizing events and deciding which is the more important and has to be done first.
And do you know what? Almost invariably it all works out just fine in the end.
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