It’s true to say that while there is so much to love (and to take for granted, sadly) about our society, it’s also true to say that false impressions, bad influences, and difficult opinions can flourish, especially in our online, social media environment.
For instance, young girls are especially victimized by the continual churning perfection offered by popular Instagram personalities, as they simply cannot compete with the images being shown. In fact, with apps like Facetune and additional filters, it’s true that even those influencers aren’t the exact representation of the images they’re putting out.
This is why it’s important to avoid harmful self-care opinions if you get the chance to. They’re not just harmful and toxic to young girls, but can affect anyone, from older men to even those who may have previous taken a long-form break from social media. No matter who you are, trying to steer clear of this harm is an important use of your time. It can validate, verify and encourage a healthy self-image. Let’s consider just what those opinions are, and how you can avoid them.
Perfection Is Reachable & Anything Less Is Worthless
False. Perfection isn’t reachable, but that’s good, because why would you ever want to be perfect? It’s important to note that if you simply focus on being better than the person you were yesterday, or last week, you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else. Furthermore, you don’t have to be perfect to think that you matter. It’s all about fostering a healthy self-image, about forgiving yourself, about understanding your insecurities aren’t that bad, about realizing that the flaws you think you have also help make you who you are.
It’s Not Okay to Have Bad Days
False. Bad days are a part of life. It’s not about avoiding them, but embracing them, and being kind to yourself when they arrive. For some, this may look like taking a mental health day from work from time to time. For others, it might mean pulling the cord of a bad relationship in order to avoid being mistreated any longer, despite the difficult month that may follow. It’s fine to have bad days. What isn’t fine is preventing yourself from working through them, or running away. Remember, it’s perfectly fine to be weak. But staying weak? That might be another story.
Self-Care Is for When I Feel Good
False. Self-care is certainly great to practice at all times, but you may need it even more during times of difficulty. Be kind to yourself. Self-care, even if that’s just having a bath, or maintaining your hearing aid, or spending some time going on a walk to get in nature a little more, even if you feel down, can really help you make yourself feel better and happier in the long run. Don’t think there are only special times when this can make a difference – it can really help you out of even the most troublesome holes.
With this advice, we hope you can avoid the worst self-care opinions and flourish in life, instead.
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