Naming your blog after yourself is a very good idea in nearly every situation. This way, you’ll be building a personal brand from the get-go. You will also be able to stand out due to your unique blog name. However, there are some cons to using names for blog titles as well. For example, if your name isn’t catchy or is hard to spell, you might scare the readers away with it. Consider the decision carefully and go with what’s best for you in the long run.
Pros of Naming Your Blog After Yourself:
1. You can enhance your personal brand
Building a strong personal brand is an important goal for many bloggers. Unless you want your particular site to be more about business than personal blogging. If that’s the case, then you’ll need to choose a title that will fit well within the niche.
However, if you want to start a blog to share your opinions and ideas with the world, a personal name brand is in order. After all, you are trying to establish yourself as a person whose opinion should be valued. You are creating this blog so people can relate to you. This means they have to see you as a person, not as a mere avatar with a quirky nickname.
Of course, in some cases that could be a good choice of a blog name. For example, nicknames are a staple in the community of gamers. Therefore, if you are targeting them, you need to fit in. But even in this case, you’ll be promoting the personal brand of the avatar you’ve created. So, basically, the cool creative nickname will be ‘your’ name.
2. You aren’t limited by the topic/niche/community
One of the main advantages of naming your blog after yourself is that it allows for total flexibility. You can post on any topic you like and change them as you evolve and start targeting new audiences. By the way, having this kind of blog name will allow you to target multiple audiences from the start. You’ll just need to create several sections on your website and fill them with well-optimized content. From then on, the SEO magic will work to make sure links to your posts appear to different groups of internet users.
This kind of versatility can give a big advantage to a beginner blogger. This will also make transitioning to a new specialization easier later on. And don’t forget that people will come to associate you with relevant opinions, not single topics. In fact, showing that you are knowledgeable in several subjects will boost your authority overall.
3. Your blog is easier to relate to
Naming your blog after yourself basically ‘transfers’ you online not as a faceless avatar, but as a real person. That’s how your readers will see you and why they will be able to relate to you with ease.
From this point of view, the content you post online isn’t a collection of words but opinions of a real person. A person whose feelings can be hurt. A person who has actual life experience and whose opinions count for something.
If that’s the kind of image you seek when creating a blog, naming it after yourself is a huge advantage.
4. The name is unique
There are over 1.9 billion websites online and the number grows every second. It’s nearly impossible to come up with unique, catchy, and creative blog names at this point. Using your own name (provided it’s not used by someone else already) helps you stand out.
Yes, this won’t give you the points for creativity, but from the practical point of view, you win because you can be sure no one else will be using that name. And if you buy domains with common misspellings as well, you will dominate the tiny SEO niche you’ll create when your reputation picks up. Just look at Neil Patel search results to see how well this can work out for you. To learn more about how you can boost your blog’s position in Google search results, click here.
Cons of Naming Your Blog After Yourself:
1. You might not be able to sell the business
Some blogs were sold for a huge amount of money. By naming your blog after yourself, you make this kind of deal nearly impossible. It’s an issue for any personal brand. If you want to sell the business, you should consider rebranding it first.
In case you manage to sell it as is, bear in mind that you might have issues later on. For example, you might have conflicts with the new owners if you create accounts on social media under your name.
2. You might have issues with other business
If running a blog site isn’t your primary business, you might have various kinds of issues with employers/clients. They will be able to find you online, so be sure to watch what you post carefully.
3. You might not be able to use your name
Simple as that, naming your blog after yourself might be impossible by default if someone else is already using this name. If the domain is already taken, using different spelling can work against you. In this case, the people might find the other website by mistake. The other domain’s owner also might object.
If your name isn’t catchy or is difficult to spell, using it will only complicate things for your readers. In this situation, using a blog domain name ideas generator will be the best choice.
4. You have to make it personal
If you are naming your blog after yourself, you have to personally interact with the readers, post your pictures, etc. This will have to be a highly personal business; otherwise, the name will be useless.
What are your opinions about naming blogs after oneself? Would you do this? If not, what are your reasons? If yes, do you have more reasons to add?
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