Managing your money wisely is an essential survival skill. However, we all know that the current education programs usually leave people woefully unprepared to run their own finances. Of course, I’ve got posts like this that help you understand the basic steps of becoming a financially literate and generally money-savvy person. But reading about how you need to have a budget might be useless if you don’t know exactly how to create and manage one.
The good news is that we live in the smart tech age and therefore, we no longer need to study finances to understand how to create a family budget. There are apps that will do this for you. My favorites among them are:
Mint is, probably, The App among all budget apps because it’s versatile, efficient, functional, and easy to use. It’s also free. All in all, I suggest you start with this app and see which parts work for you and which don’t. This way, you’ll be able to find an app that fits you better by studying its features.
Many people never move on from Mint because of its simplicity and functionality. But remember that it’s a web-based solution only. Therefore, those of you too paranoid to have your sensitive information uploaded to a cloud won’t enjoy using Mint at all.
GoodBudget is another simple but versatile app. This one is a freemium service, so you can only have its basic version for free. One of the biggest advantages of this app is that it allows you to export information to Excel documents, so you can keep an archive of your budget.
Overall, it’s an app similar to Mint, so check out which you like most.
This is a must-try app for families because it allows you to sync your devices in the app and even exchange messages. It’s a good solution to use when teaching your kids about financial literacy.
Beyond this, it’s pretty much your regular budget app, so consider giving it a try.
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