When it comes to making money online, though many people have a great deal of experience reading blogs, a significant proportion of people still don’t understand the concept of being able to make money from creating their own blog!
However, the possibilities here are endless and quite exciting, if you can spend a little time doing your homework and getting to know your potential audience type before going live.
Give Your Content Direction
A blog which has a purpose is more likely to succeed financially than one without. If you have a niche, you are experienced or qualified in a particular area, or you simply have a passion for a specific topic, create your blog around this in its entirety.
Once you have the theme of your blog established, you can then work on expanding on this and, if you want to, incorporating other ideas and content. This should all ideally relate in one form or another to the primary purpose of your blog.
So, for example, if you have worked in the book industry for many years and want to start a blog devoted to all things book related, plan your articles and reviews around this subject, alongside all industry updates. Then, once your audience is established and your visitor count starts to rise, you could consider extending out to incorporate bookish merchandise, writing courses and even reading and writing vacations, all of course at a cost to your visitors.
Get Your Blog Income Stream Ready
Once you have a completed blog, begin to investigate the many varieties of income streams that could really start to earn you the cash. Better still, don’t be afraid to expand your streams here and look at multiple ways of generating an income from your site, including:
- Affiliate marketing
- Advertising
- Selling products – whether that be virtual or physical
- Promoting events
- Offering specialist services
- Promotion of your offline businesses
- Look at creating and selling premium content or providing private communities
Look After Your Blog
One costly mistake made by many a blogger is that of letting your content go stale and failing to keep your blog fresh, vibrant, updated and most importantly relevant. Unfortunately, the only way this is achievable is through devoting dedicated regular bouts of time to your blog.
There’s nothing worse than hearing about a blog which you believe would be an excellent read for you only to find when you click onto it that it hasn’t been updated for months.
Get into the habit of allocating 30 minutes minimum per day to adding some new content to your blog. That way, visitors can tell for themselves that the site is looked after and consequently are more likely to want to view and even promote their own services on the site as a result.
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