It’s hard to have a healthy balance over your career whilst trying to engage in the dating world. Despite what some of our favourite films and television series have led us to believe, it’s quite rare to find our perfect partner sitting just a few cubicles over from us.
As working people, as working mothers, we have a lot of balls in the air we have to juggle. Everything from making sure reports are handed in on time and clients needs are met to making sure the kids are picked up from school on time and they have a plate of food ready waiting for them on the table when they get home. In amongst all this, It can be hard to fit: meeting new people, getting to know them and start a budding new relationship with them. And lord knows how hard it is to find someone right for you. We all know many duds you have to sift through before you meet anyone slightly notable.
That said, this is not to say that that special someone isn’t out there waiting patiently to fill your life with the happiness we all crave from love.
Nowadays there are plenty of ways of fitting dating around work and home life. With the advent of the internet, many of us have been able to connect with others from all around the world. These are healthy and viable and ways of being able to speak to new people without being too intense. From dating apps to Real phone chat lines, there are plenty of ways to connect to people at your own pace and at times that suit you.
Furthermore, it’s important to take opportunities when they come. Say for instance you meet someone on a work retreat and a connection is formed, ensure to get as many of their contact details as you can. Maintaining some form of communication and building on that is crucial to keeping the flame burning bright. It may be worth informing this someone that though you like them and are interested in seeing where the relationship can go from there, you lead a very busy life and your work or your children will always come first to you. If they are right for you then they will be able to respect this and be understanding of your needs.
Stay optimistic. It can take a long time to finally feel like you’re getting somewhere in your love life, especially if you’ve been out of practice for a while. But keep a brave face, focus on what makes you happy, on your work and always getting better at work. We usually meet people when we are least expecting them. If you keep busy but open, who knows who may show up and sweep you off your feet.
Everyone deserves to feel loved and to get the opportunity to fall in love. It is harder for some than it is for others, but that shouldn’t mean that it is completely hopeless. That special someone is waiting out there for you!
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