Can you be among the 8% of people who succeed with achieving their New Year’s resolutions? Do you have it in you to make those essential changes that will improve your health generally make your life better? If you feel up for this fight, these are the resolutions that will make a great difference for your wellbeing. Three seemingly small changes in diet, relationships, and sleep schedule will make a world of difference.
Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions to Boost Your Wellbeing and Health in 2019

Get within the normal BMI
You can either use a BMI calculator to determine how many kilos you’ll need to burn off next year or set the number yourself. Bear in mind that this doesn’t have to be ‘within the normal BMI’. This goal depends completely on your current weight, health, and doctor’s recommendations.
However, to stick to this one New Year’s resolution, you’ll need to set that ultimate number and then get down to making a detailed weight loss program. Start with calculating how much weight you will need to lose every month. Then decide how often you’ll need to use the diet plan to reduce 10kg weight in one month. This plan is intense, so you should only use it once every three months maximum, unless directed otherwise by your doctor. And lastly, you should develop a workout plan to help you on the road to your goal.
Leave toxic relationships behind
Being in a toxic relationship is literally damaging your health (Forbes). It’s a well-known fact that stress affects both physical and mental health, and this kind of situation is stressful. It doesn’t matter if those relationships are romantic or not, you should never allow other people abuse you.
Of course, everyone has a unique situation, so there is no ‘formula’ for breaking out of a toxic relationship. However, there are some basic guidelines that will help you do this no matter the exact circumstances:
Learn to deal with your guilt.
In many cases, it’s guilt that prevents people from getting out of a bad relationship. The ‘toxic’ partner often knows this and also uses it to keep you tied to them. Above all, you need to break this unhealthy link, and to do this you’ll need help. First of all, stop feeling guilty about doing what’s best for you. Consider contacting a therapist or getting some counseling to help keep you grounded. Secondly, you need to get help with rebuilding your self-esteem. Having loyal friends and family at your side will help with that. -
Remove yourself from the relationship.
If you can, simply move yourself away from the situation. But if this is impossible, you should at least try to limit your exposure to the toxic people around you. Try making contacts at other places. -
Do not try to reconnect.
Most importantly, you shouldn’t try to emphasize with the toxic person and explain yourself. This type of people is more likely to guilt trip you back into relationship or use other ways to add more stress to your life. Therefore, you should treat this ‘breakup’ like a band-aid. Rip it off and move on.
Go to sleep at the same time every day
This is seemingly the simplest of New Year’s resolutions, but it’s also one of the most important ones for your health. Regular sleep is associated with improved mental and physical health and it can literally help prevent your brain from self-destruction.
The best trick to stick with a strict sleeping schedule is to get a daily planner. Make sure your bedtime is marked in red and work out your personal schedule with that time as an immovable point. If you have trouble falling asleep, try calming herbal teas and yoga.
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