When you’re really busy, even taking a short break can make you feel guilty. You feel like you should be getting something done instead of just sitting there relaxing. However, it’s important to allow yourself to have a break and step away from your work for a while. Fortunately, it is possible to find a balance between the two things.
You can take a break but still feel like you’re doing something useful if you use your break in a smart way. If you want to make the most of your breaks, here’s how you can do more with them.
Flex Your Brain
If you want to feel like you’re engaging your brain while on your break, choose a fun activity that will get you thinking. You’ll enjoy yourself, but you will also be training your brain at the same time. This could include doing puzzles or other challenges that make you think. Take a look at https://www.pennydellpuzzles.com/logic-math/ for some puzzle books that you can take anywhere. There are many different things that you can use to challenge your brain and ensure you use those important brain cells every day. Find a style of puzzle or game that you enjoy doing.
Go for a Walk
Physical activity can have several benefits for you when you take a break. Firstly, it gets your blood pumping, which can help to invigorate you and your brain. While you’re walking around, it’s also the perfect time to get some quality thinking done. Whether you go outdoors or walk around your office, it could be the opportunity you need to finally think of that solution to a problem you’ve been trying to solve. You could also consider other outdoor activities or going to the gym if you want to get active and engage your brain at the same time.
Give Your Brain Fuel
It’s not too difficult to forget to eat when you’re really busy. But using your breaks to eat is a valuable use of your time. Although eating anything is better than eating nothing, it’s also worth thinking about what exactly you choose to eat. Select the right foods and the right things to drink, and you could give your brain the energy that it needs to get some good work done. Stopping to eat can also provide opportunities to talk to others or to spend some time reflecting.
Let Yourself Zone Out
It’s important for people in business to give themselves time to think. However, when you’re so busy, you can fail to have any time to just think about various issues. Allowing yourself some time to zone out and let your thoughts drift can be a huge benefit to you and your business. It could be the time when you come up with a brilliant new idea, or it could help you to solve a sticky problem that’s been bothering you.
Taking a break doesn’t have to mean getting nothing done. Your breaks can be valuable too, while still giving you the chance to relax.
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