When you’re operating on the margins it can be really important to hold on to those regular, reliable customers that you have. What’s better still is when those faithful few put the word out to their families and friends and you get spin-off business that you weren’t really expecting and hadn’t dared to budget for.
What I’ve found that being the cheapest and the best in a market of millions isn’t always terribly easy. Most small entrepreneurs have to pay their bills, cover their overheads and feed their families so all in all their outgoings are going to be similar to yours.
And, if they want to stay in business, that kind of means there isn’t going to be a whole lot of difference in what they charge to their clients for the services they provide. Services just like the ones you also provide, in fact.
Do You Get the Drift?
You are all fishing in the same pond, with the same equipment, using the same bait. And for the same fish.
That’s where style comes into it. Making your customers feel welcome, and happy with the service you provide. Making them not want to turn their back on you and give their business to your competitors.
This thing has a technical name – it’s called “giving that little bit extra”. It can be a discount, or a bonus. It can be a free gift. Or it can be a smile.
Clients are human beings like everyone else and they want to enjoy their day and derive some pleasure from their work experience. Having a conversation with a nice person on the telephone and exchanging pleasantries is a simple thing, but it can make all the difference in a business relationship. And of course, it costs nothing.
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