In this life, we need to work in order to get through everything. We, of course, need money in order to live, but it’s about more than just financial gain. Getting up every morning and having a purpose is absolutely vital for the human brain. Without that sense of urgency or that challenge, our minds can dip into a feeling of pure apathy – and that is a terrible state to be in. You can be happy; you can be sad – but just not caring about anything is not good for anyone.
That said, working (and working hard) needs to happen for monetary needs and for an endorphin release. You might not think is as you sluggishly enter the final hour of your working for the day, but it’s true. You’ll also need to work in a job that you’ll be content with. It’s, again, vital that you find something that you, at the very least, do not absolutely despise. Hours and hours of your life will be devoted to this, so make sure those hours aren’t miserable.
How can you get the job that you’re coveting, though? A lot of us are taught to fall in line and just find something safe. While that seems like a wise idea, it’s also something that makes people very miserable regarding their professional life. Would you like to avoid that kind of misery? Of course you do. Here are a few ways you can boost your chances of working in a job (or the job) that you’ll love:
Think About What You Would Actually Like
You might think you have a dream job, but you should probably plan out certain avenues. What you picture in your head might be completely different from how it actually is. Your initial stage – before committing to anything – should be to assess all the options you have in front of you. Make a list of everything you’d like to do – remember, you absolutely can get the job you want if you really set your mind to it. Narrow down your ideas and then see what’s out there for you. Opportunities are there – you just need to go and get them.
Work on Your Resume
If you want to impress potential employers, then you’ll have to get past the initial stages of a recruitment process. You’ve probably written resumes and cover letters dozens of times in the past, but how high was the quality? The ‘look’ of the resume matters almost as much as the contents of it. Sure, you’re going to want to have amazing things on the CV, but if everything is cluttered, then it says a lot about your organization overall.
Make sure everything is neat and tidy – let them know you’re a competent and together person before they’ve even met you. Also, be sure to get to the point – don’t dilly-dally around with pointless jargon and filler.
Just Look at What’s out There
This sounds pretty obvious, and perhaps it’s something you’re already doing, but take the time to really research the opportunities that are available to you. You never know, you could find something out there that you’ve never heard of before, and you could completely fall in love with it. It could be an array of radiology positions in the health care sector, a driving job, or a place that works on apps and other software – if you don’t look, you’ll never find anything.
Volunteer at Relevant Places
If you have an idea of what you’d like to do with your life, then a great way of looking more attractive to potential employers is to through volunteering. By doing this, you’re actively showing people how interested you are in a particular area. You’re showing them that you’re willing to put in the hard work to get to where you want. You’re showing them that you’re willing to put in work and receive very little in return.
Volunteering is also a great way of learning. You can have all the theoretical knowledge from books and internet articles, but very little comes close to real-life experience and struggle.
Build Your Skills in Your Free Time
If you want to grow as a human being, then you need to be in a constant state of learning. If you’re standing still, then you’re only going backwards as others will overtake you. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, then keep on building your basic skills such as communication, team-building, etc. If you have found a career that you’d like to pursue, then you’re going to want to, in your spare time, do some extracurricular studying and practice. It might seem like overkill at times, but you’re going to want to be more adept than other candidates, and you’re going to want to impress people.
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