Many years ago, before marriage and children, I did something I never thought I would ever have the confidence to do: travel alone! Years later as I look back, I still can’t quite believe that I did it, especially now we all travel as a family everywhere we go.
However, as I look back on my solo traveling adventure with fondness, I realized exactly what made me take that leap at such an early age. I was trying to find myself, rediscover my purpose and basically spend a little time alone with just my thoughts for comfort.
If you have been considering taking a trip as a solo traveler, let me share with you two simple tips; from one who has been there and thoroughly recommends it!
Plan of Action
While I know that most traveling ventures need a plan drawing up beforehand, I feel it is crucial to ensure you put extra effort in here when venturing out on your own.
Do as much research about the area as you can and make an extensive list of what you can do when you get there, to occupy your time. This is also a great time to book any events or guided tours ahead of your trip.
If you can write up as much of a plan before you go, you ensure you always have somewhere to go, should you ever start to feel any pangs of loneliness.
You don’t always have to follow the plan to the letter when you are there if you decide you would rather just chill out. However, knowing that you have stuff to be getting on with while you are away on your own is quite often a lifesaver when traveling solo.
Keeping Safe
You may not be keen on having to tell others why you feel the need to travel on your own but, regarding safety, I cannot stress how important it is to keep people informed of your whereabouts.
Sort out your mobile phone and any international charges if applicable in advance and keep this charged and with you always.
Select a designated person whom you will feel comfortable checking in with at the end of every day or so, and discussing the next day’s events, just to add that little bit of security to your traveling plans.
Make your safety a priority in your planning stages, and you allow yourself the freedom to enjoy your solo time away, worry free!
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